Community Pilot Criteria

Established Community Steering Group

  • Lead coordinating entity
    • Staff for site specific coordination and oversight for five years, including: Project Director, Fund Development Director, and Support Staff. 
    • One staff position to lead and coordinate pilot site marketing activities. 
    • One staff position to lead and coordinate pilot policy and advocacy activities. 
  • Community-based organization/association representatives
  • Lead philanthropist 
  • Community foundation 
  • Higher education representative with community college/university affiliation
  • Political representative 
  • Corporate/business representative
  • Community members/ representatives with lived experience and expertise

Identified Funding/In-Kind Resources 

  • Pilot Communities are required to provide a financial investment of $250K/year for the first two years (with additional funding in years 3-5).
  • This commitment requires an initial, secured commitment of $75K with the remainder of funds secured through a combination of sources over the course of the two years.

Community Pilot Processes

Steering Group Engages in Inspired Thinking & Discussion including the following activities:

  • Step 1:
    • Provide a letter of interest to participate and complete the consideration process (questions/interview process TBD)
  • Step 2 upon acceptance:
    • Host a community UnCharitable movie screening and dialogue
    • Complete the Bold Training including on-line interactive responses
    • Read The Flat Org Chart and use it as a catalyst for group/community conversation
    • Discuss the primary/priority proposed issue/challenge to address
  • Step 3:
    • Host first kick-off meeting with Steering Group, representatives from UnCharitable, and Social Current
    • Host meeting of Steering group and major donors/funders
    • Develop commitment to establish Year 1 & 2 funding

Learn more about the benefits to communities and return on investment for serving as a pilot community.