Family Preservation and Stabilization Services Definition
Family Preservation and Stabilization Services strenghen parental capacity, improve family relationships and functioning, increase child and family well-being, ensure child safety, prevent the separation of children from their families, promote successful reunification following a separation, and prevent future crises.Definition
This section is designed to accommodate programs that provide two levels of service: (1) family preservation and stabilization services, and (2) intensive family preservation and stabilization services. Intensive programs typically serve families with children at greater risk of being separated from their families, respond to referrals or requests for service within a shorter period of time, provide more frequent and intensive services, and place stricter limits on caseload size.
Organizations should be familiar with the relevant legal requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), which governs child welfare proceedings involving American Indian and Alaska Native children in state child welfare systems and requires active efforts be made to prevent removal or support reunification. Family preservation services are one option in a continuum of support services that may be provided to families, and early consultation with children's tribes is critical to ensuring that a full range of culturally-relevant resources have been made available to families and that active effort requirements are fulfilled.- child abuse and/or neglect;
- domestic violence;
- unstable housing or poor conditions in the home;
- financial distress;
- parental mental health or substance use conditions;
- parental incarceration;
- death, divorce, or separation of parents;
- mental health or behavioral needs in children and youth (e.g., needs related to trauma, anxiety, conduct disorder, substance use, truancy, and/or delinquency);
- parent-child conflicts, including those that result in a child running away;
- resettlement-related stresses experienced by immigrant and refugee families; and/or
- special needs presented by chronic illnesses or disabilities.
- kinship care;
- family foster care;
- psychiatric inpatient care;
- residential treatment; and
- juvenile justice facilities.
Note:Please see the FPS Reference List for the research that informed the development of these standards.
Note:For information about changes made in the 2020 Edition, please see the FPS Crosswalk.
Family Preservation and Stabilization Services (FPS) 1: Person-Centered Logic Model
Logic models have been implemented for all programs and the organization has identified at least two outcomes for all its programs.
Practices are basically sound but there is room for improvement, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards; e.g.,
- Logic models need improvement or clarification; or
- Logic models are still under development for some of its programs, but are completed for all high-risk programs such as protective services, foster care, residential treatment, etc.; or
- At least one outcome has been identified for all of its programs.
Practice requires significant improvement, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards. Service quality or program functioning may be compromised; e.g.,
- Logic models need significant improvement; or
- Logic models are still under development for a majority of programs; or
- A logic model has not been developed for one or more high-risk programs; or
- Outcomes have not been identified for one or more programs.
Implementation of the standard is minimal or there is no evidence of implementation at all, as noted in the ratings for the Practice Standards; e.g.,
- Logic models have not been developed or implemented; or
- Outcomes have not been identified for any programs.
FPS 1.01
A program logic model, or equivalent framework, identifies:
- needs the program will address;
- available human, financial, organizational, and community resources (i.e. inputs);
- program activities intended to bring about desired results;
- program outputs (i.e. the size and scope of services delivered);
- desired outcomes (i.e. the changes you expect to see in persons served); and
- expected long-term impact on the organization, community, and/or systems.
Examples: Please see the W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide and COA Accreditation’s PQI Tool Kit for more information on developing and using program logic models.
Examples: Information that may be used to inform the development of the program logic model includes, but is not limited to:
- needs assessments and periodic reassessments;
- risks assessments conducted for specific interventions; and
- the best available evidence of service effectiveness.
FPS 1.02
The logic model identifies desired outcomes in at least two of the following areas:
- change in clinical status;
- change in functional status;
- health, welfare, and safety;
- permanency of life situation;
- quality of life;
- achievement of individual service goals; and
- other outcomes as appropriate to the program or service population.
Interpretation: Outcomes data should be disaggregated to identify patterns of disparity or inequity that can be masked by aggregate data reporting. See PQI 5.02 for more information on disaggregating data to track and monitor identified outcomes.
- percentage of cases in which family relationships and connections were preserved;
- percentage of families with increased economic or housing stability;
- percentage of children with improved behavioral, social, cognitive, and/or physical functioning;
- percentage of parents with improved mental and/or physical health;
- number of cases in which families were successfully reunited following out-of-home care;
- recidivism rate;
- number of cases of recurring maltreatment;
- number of cases of maltreatment-related fatalities; and
- percentage of children whose parents lack secure employment.
Family Preservation and Stabilization Services (FPS) 2: Personnel
Currently viewing: PERSONNEL
- With some exceptions, staff (direct service providers, supervisors, and program managers) possess the required qualifications, including education, experience, training, skills, temperament, etc., but the integrity of the service is not compromised; or
- Supervisors provide additional support and oversight, as needed, to the few staff without the listed qualifications; or
- Most staff who do not meet educational requirements are seeking to obtain them; or
- With few exceptions, staff have received required training, including applicable specialized training; or
- Training curricula are not fully developed or lack depth; or
- Training documentation is consistently maintained and kept up-to-date with some exceptions; or
- A substantial number of supervisors meet the requirements of the standard, and the organization provides training and/or consultation to improve competencies when needed; or
- With few exceptions, caseload sizes are consistently maintained as required by the standards or as required by internal policy when caseload has not been set by a standard; or
- Workloads are such that staff can effectively accomplish their assigned tasks and provide quality services and are adjusted as necessary; or
- Specialized services are obtained as required by the standards.
- A significant number of staff (direct service providers, supervisors, and program managers) do not possess the required qualifications, including education, experience, training, skills, temperament, etc.; and as a result, the integrity of the service may be compromised; or
- Job descriptions typically do not reflect the requirements of the standards, and/or hiring practices do not document efforts to hire staff with required qualifications when vacancies occur; or
- Supervisors do not typically provide additional support and oversight to staff without the listed qualifications; or
- A significant number of staff have not received required training, including applicable specialized training; or
- Training documentation is poorly maintained; or
- A significant number of supervisors do not meet the requirements of the standard, and the organization makes little effort to provide training and/or consultation to improve competencies; or
- There are numerous instances where caseload sizes exceed the standards' requirements or the requirements of internal policy when a caseload size is not set by the standard; or
- Workloads are excessive, and the integrity of the service may be compromised; or
- Specialized staff are typically not retained as required and/or many do not possess the required qualifications; or
- Specialized services are infrequently obtained as required by the standards.
FPS 2.01
- an advanced degree in social work or a comparable human service field; or
- a bachelor’s degree in social work or a comparable human service field and at least two years’ experience working with children and families.
FPS 2.02
- skills relevant to, and experience working with, children and families; or
- available licensing, registration, or certification.
FPS 2.03
FPS 2.04
- understanding child development and individual and family functioning, including family systems and ecological perspectives;
- empowering, supporting, and mentoring parents and children;
- engaging and motivating individuals who may be disengaged or difficult to reach;
- identifying and building on strengths and protective factors;
- assessing needs, risks, and safety;
- collaborating with families to develop effective service plans;
- preventing and intervening in stressful and crisis situations;
- understanding and collaborating with different organizations, agencies, and systems likely to serve or encounter children and families, including the child welfare, behavioral health, health, educational, and justice systems; and
- implementing the specific program model used to deliver services, if applicable.
FPS 2.05
- the importance of ICWA and special considerations for working with American Indian and Alaska Native children and families, including the cultural norms and historical trauma associated with Indian tribes;
- the identification of American Indian and Alaska Native children and families;
- appropriate notice and collaboration with the tribe; and
- active efforts requirements to prevent separation or reunify families.
FPS 2.06
- using a service delivery model that calls for services to be provided by a single worker, or by a consistent team of workers;
- assigning a worker at intake or early in the contact; and
- avoiding the arbitrary or indiscriminate reassignment of direct service personnel.
FPS 2.07
- 12-18 families when providing family preservation and stabilization services; and
- 2-6 families when providing intensive family preservation and stabilization services.
- the qualifications, competencies, and experience of the worker, including the level of supervision needed;
- whether services are provided by multiple professionals or team members;
- case complexity and circumstances, including the intensity of child and family needs, the size of the family, travel time, and the goal of the case;
- case status, including progress toward achievement of desired outcomes;
- the work and time required to accomplish assigned tasks, including those associated with caseloads and other job responsibilities; and
- service volume.
FPS 2.08
FPS 2.09
- sufficient staff coverage at all times;
- work schedules are flexible; and
- supports are in place to prevent burnout.
Family Preservation and Stabilization Services (FPS) 3: Intake and Assessment
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- In a few rare instances, urgent needs were not prioritized; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Culturally responsive assessments are the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Urgent needs are often not prioritized; or
- Services are frequently not initiated in a timely manner; or
- Applicants are not receiving referrals, as appropriate; or
- Assessment and reassessment timeframes are often missed; or
- Assessments are sometimes not sufficiently individualized;
- Culturally responsive assessments are not the norm, and this is not being addressed in supervision or training; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent; or
- Intake or assessment is done by another organization or referral source and no documentation and/or summary of required information is present in case record.
- There are no written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FPS 3.01
- children are at risk of being placed in out-of-home care, or need services to facilitate family reunification; and
- children can remain in, or return to, the home without compromising the safety of any family or community members.
FPS 3.02
- reviews the referral information to make an initial determination regarding the family’s eligibility for service; and
- notifies the referral source if the family does not meet the program’s eligibility criteria or the program does not currently have an opening.
- child welfare agencies;
- juvenile justice agencies; and
- mental health agencies.
FPS 3.03
- 72 hours, if providing family preservation and stabilization services; or
- 24 hours, if providing intensive family preservation and stabilization services.
If a family has been referred to service and the organization is unable to reach the family within the timeframe specified in the standard, the referral source should be notified. If a family has requested service and the organization is unable to reach the family within the timeframe specified in the standard, the organization should document its efforts to initiate contact.
FPS 3.04
- how well family members’ needs and risk factors match the organization’s services; and
- what services will be available and when.
FPS 3.05
- gather information necessary to identify critical risks, safety threats, and service needs, and determine when a different level of service is necessary;
- give priority to urgent needs and emergency situations;
- support timely initiation of services; and
- provide referral to appropriate resources or placement on a waiting list when families cannot be served or cannot be served promptly.
FPS 3.06
- involving representatives from the tribe or local Indian organization in assessment, service planning and monitoring, and aftercare planning, to the greatest extent possible and appropriate;
- considering and prioritizing culturally-relevant resources available through or recommended by the tribe or local Indian organization, to the greatest extent possible and appropriate; and
- maintaining connections between the family and tribe, when desired by the family.
When tribal representatives or local Indian organizations are involved in the case the organization must provide timely notification of all case conferences, including assessments and case reviews, particularly when changes are made or proposed. Evidence of efforts to identify and contact the family's tribe and of tribal participation should be documented in the case record.
FPS 3.07
- completed within established timeframes;
- conducted through a combination of interviews, discussion, and observation;
- supplemented with information provided by the referral source, collaborating providers, and/or others involved with the family, when appropriate; and
- updated as needed based on the needs and progress of family members.
FPS 3.08
- understanding individual family members' experiences and perspectives;
- understanding both the family as a whole and how the family is impacted by the broader community;
- determining the specific challenges, factors, and patterns that lead to problems in the family's daily life, focusing on the issues that precipitated the need for service;
- identifying competencies and resources that each family member can utilize to promote change and reduce the risks that precipitated the need for service; and
- identifying barriers to change.
FPS 3.09
- family relationships, dynamics, and functioning, including any presence or history of child abuse or neglect or domestic violence;
- informal and social supports, including relationships with extended family and community members, as well as connections to community and cultural resources;
- ability to meet basic financial needs and obtain adequate housing, food, and clothing;
- physical and behavioral health;
- cognitive, educational, and vocational development and attainment;
- trauma exposure and related symptoms;
- parenting and disciplinary practices;
- gender identity and sexual orientation; and
- any history of human trafficking.
Interpretation: The Assessment Matrix - Private, Public, Canadian, Network determines which level of assessment is required for COA’s Service Sections. The assessment elements of the Matrix can be tailored according to the needs of specific individuals or service design.
FPS 3.10
- assessing safety concerns on a frequent and ongoing basis;
- collaborating with the family to develop a safety plan that identifies strategies and resources needed to control threats, if serious and immediate safety concerns exist;
- involving supervisory personnel when reviewing serious and immediate safety concerns, and the safety plans created to address those concerns;
- reporting serious and immediate safety concerns to the referral source or another appropriate authority; and
- terminating services and advocating the referral source or another appropriate authority to impose alternative protective measures if safety cannot be reasonably ensured through family preservation services.
- child abuse or neglect;
- self-harm;
- physical violence between family members;
- threats posed to a family member by an individual in the community; and/or
- threats posed to the worker by a family member.
Family Preservation and Stabilization Services (FPS) 4: Service Planning and Monitoring
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- In a few instances, client or staff signatures are missing and/or not dated; or
- With few exceptions, staff work with persons served, when appropriate, to help them receive needed support, access services, mediate barriers, etc.; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- In several instances, client or staff signatures are missing and/or not dated; or
- Quarterly reviews are not being done consistently; or
- Level of care for some clients is clearly inappropriate; or
- Service planning is often done without full client participation; or
- Appropriate family involvement is not documented; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing; or
- Individual staff members work with persons served, when appropriate, to help them receive needed support, access services, mediate barriers, etc., but this is the exception.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FPS 4.01
- agreed upon goals, desired outcomes, and timeframes for achieving them;
- services and supports to be provided, and by whom;
- procedures for expedited service planning when crisis or urgent need is identified; and
- a parent or legal guardian’s signature.
FPS 4.02
- what information will be shared with the agency that made the initial referral for family preservation and stabilization services, if applicable;
- potential consequences of noncompliance with the service plan, if applicable;
- any time limits associated with service provision;
- any limitations on subsequent service or follow-up upon case closure; and
- the role the organization will play in helping them identify resources that meet ongoing needs.
FPS 4.03
- collaborating with the referral source to promote efficient case coordination and the achievement of desired goals, when families are referred and mandated to receive services by an agency with statutory responsibility;
- assuming a service coordination role, when no other organization or agency has assumed that responsibility;
- ensuring that family members receive appropriate advocacy support;
- assisting with access to the full array of services to which family members are eligible; and
- mediating barriers to services within the service delivery system.
FPS 4.04
The worker and a supervisor, or a clinical, service, or peer team, review the case at intervals that reflect the duration, frequency, and intensity of services provided, and the needs of persons served, to assess:
- service plan implementation;
- progress toward achieving service goals and desired outcomes, as well as factors contributing to or impeding that progress; and
- the continuing appropriateness of agreed-upon service goals and chosen interventions.
Interpretation: When tribal representatives or local Indian organizations are involved in the case, they must receive timely notification of case reviews to support their involvement, particularly when any changes are made to the service plan.
FPS 4.05
- review progress toward achievement of agreed upon service goals;
- discuss family members' concerns and identify any barriers to goal achievement; and
- sign revisions to service goals and plans.
Family Preservation and Stabilization Services (FPS) 5: Family-Focused Approach to Service Delivery
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FPS 5.01
- focused on resolving the pressing issues that precipitated the need for service; and
- tailored to meet families' unique needs and characteristics.
Services can be extended if families are not ready for them to end, but the organization should document and justify in the case record any extension of service beyond the established limit.
FPS 5.02
FPS 5.03
- provided in home and community settings that enable families to address problems and learn skills in natural environments;
- focused on the family as a whole and designed to involve all family members, including children, youth, and adults, as well as extended family or other supportive individuals, to the maximum extent possible and appropriate; and
- provided at times that accommodate family members' schedules and needs.
Family Preservation and Stabilization Services (FPS) 6: Family Supports, Services, and Interventions
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- For the most part, established timeframes are met; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Timeframes are often missed; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FPS 6.01
- develop a shared view of the issues that precipitated the need for service, including an understanding of the factors and patterns that lead to the identified issues;
- take responsibility for the role they may play in contributing to the identified issues, as appropriate; and
- increase their motivation to make positive changes.
- reducing negativity and blame within the family;
- encouraging family members to discuss their own reasons for wanting change;
- helping family members examine the consequences of the issues they face, including any discrepancies between the current situation and their hopes for the future;
- avoiding argumentative or blaming strategies that might prompt family members to become defensive or withdraw from the process;
- helping family members see how services can help them;
- evoking rationales for change that make sense to family members; and
- highlighting past successes and strengths family members can draw upon when trying to change.
FPS 6.02
- communicating in a healthy and effective manner;
- solving problems effectively;
- managing conflicts;
- coping with adversity, stress, and emotions;
- maintaining and strengthening interpersonal relationships;
- accessing needed services and support;
- managing a household;
- understanding child/youth development, including what is appropriate for different ages and developmental levels;
- parenting in a sensitive and responsive manner designed to provide protection, meet basic needs, foster emotional security, and promote positive interactions, as appropriate to children’s ages and developmental levels;
- establishing appropriate roles and interpersonal boundaries; and
- implementing age-appropriate techniques for providing supervision, setting limits, and managing behavior, including negative or maladaptive behaviors.
FPS 6.03
- instruction and discussion about the topics and practices being targeted, why they are important, and their relevance to the family;
- modeling of the skills and strategies being targeted;
- within-session practice that enables family members to use new skills and strategies with the worker present to intervene in the moment with coaching, positive reinforcement, or corrective feedback, as needed;
- follow-up tasks that call for practice outside of the session; and
- support in planning how to use skills and strategies in different situations, how to manage setbacks, and how to avoid future crises.
FPS 6.04
- food;
- clothing;
- housing;
- transportation;
- child care;
- financial assistance;
- assistance with household tasks;
- respite care;
- medical care;
- behavioral health care, when the services needed exceed those provided by the program;
- domestic violence services;
- legal services;
- education and employment services; and
- educational and recreational services for children.
Providing this type of assistance can also help families in ways that extend beyond the meeting of the basic needs themselves. For example, families may be more likely to trust a worker who helps them meet their basic needs, and may be more capable of participating actively in education and counseling when their basic needs are met.
FPS 6.05
- develop plans for managing any negative influences in their social support networks;
- consider how they can expand their social support networks, as necessary; and
- plan how to use their social support networks to help maintain positive changes after services end.
FPS 6.06
- understand how the trauma may impact current functioning;
- identify, anticipate, and manage responses to trauma reminders; and
- appropriately support the survivor’s recovery.
FPS 6.07
Family Preservation and Stabilization Services (FPS) 7: Case Closing and Aftercare
- Minor inconsistencies and not yet fully developed practices are noted; however, these do not significantly impact service quality; or
- Procedures need strengthening; or
- With few exceptions, procedures are understood by staff and are being used; or
- Proper documentation is the norm and any issues with individual staff members are being addressed through performance evaluations and training; or
- In a few instances, the organization terminated services inappropriately; or
- Active client participation occurs to a considerable extent; or
- A formal case closing evaluation is not consistently provided to the public authority per the requirements of the standard.
- Procedures and/or case record documentation need significant strengthening; or
- Procedures are not well-understood or used appropriately; or
- Services are frequently terminated inappropriately; or
- Aftercare planning is not initiated early enough to ensure orderly transitions; or
- A formal case closing summary and assessment is seldom provided to the public authority per the requirements of the standard; or
- Several client records are missing important information; or
- Client participation is inconsistent.
- No written procedures, or procedures are clearly inadequate or not being used; or
- Documentation is routinely incomplete and/or missing.
FPS 7.01
- is a clearly defined process that includes assignment of staff responsibility;
- begins at intake;
- involves the worker, the referral source, if applicable, family members, and others, as appropriate to the needs and wishes of family members; and
- helps the family identify strategies for maintaining positive changes after the intervention concludes.
- preparing family members for the loss of the therapeutic relationship and the support provided through family preservation services;
- addressing family members' concerns about the intervention ending;
- discussing the timeline for service closure; and
- celebrating the family's progress and accomplishments.
FPS 7.02
FPS 7.03
FPS 7.04
- develop an aftercare plan that identifies short- and long-term needs and goals and facilitates the initiation or continuation of needed supports and services, including resources to be accessed in case of cisis, and informal and social supports; or
- conduct a formal case closing evaluation, including an assessment of unmet needs, when the organization has a contract with a public authority that does not include aftercare planning or follow-up.
FPS 7.05
- helps families transition to any needed follow-up services;
- follows up with families at specified intervals after case closing; and
- responds to requests for assistance following case closing, to the extent possible and appropriate.