B1: Logic Models in Action: From Paper to Practical Excellence

Area of Focus: COA Accreditation
Content Level: Doer

For professionals navigating the human services ecosystem and wanting to level up their logic model game, this interactive presentation offers invaluable insights. Participants will gain expert guidance to foster a deeper understanding of logic models and emphasize their potential for usefulness in program/service delivery.

Let’s cut to the chase—a well-constructed logic model isn’t just a piece of paper; it’s a powerful tool. Think of it as the master key unlocking success, allowing you to realize the full potential of your plans and initiatives. During this session, presenters will spill the beans on insider tips for crafting a logic model that transcends mere aesthetics, ensuring it’s not just a showpiece but a conduit to improved outcomes.

This session’s focuss will be on maximizing value, transforming these activities into practical and purposeful steps rather than mere tasks on your to-do list. Building a logic model is step one; what comes next? We’re here to guide you on extracting every ounce of usefulness. Presenters will delve into effective program evaluation, data analysis, and presenting results to your team. Learn how to move toward continuous improvement and ensure your logic model becomes an ongoing asset.

Get ready for hands-on exercises that transition from creating a basic logic model for your service to crafting one that resembles the grandmaster of all logic models for your organization. The presenters will even throw in a template to simplify your life.

Key Takeaways:

  • How to build your logic model the right way, so that it becomes your MVP
  • How to utilize that MVP for program evaluation, data analysis, and performance improvement
  • Exercises to get the most out of your logic model

Join this session for an engaging and practical exploration of logic models, where presenters will break down the barriers between theory and real-world action, making it all about building useful models and getting real results.

Learning Objectives

  • Exclusive insights from a logic models expert, ensuring that your logic models transcend mere aesthetics and become powerful tools with tangible impacts on program effectiveness
  • Develop skills in effective program evaluation by utilizing well-constructed logic models as roadmaps to assess program success and identify areas for improvement
  • Actively engage in hands-on exercises, transitioning from the creation of basic logic models to the development of comprehensive models with organizational impact.


Shannon Wichlacz
Senior Evaluation Associate

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