D1: COA Peer Reviewer Panel: The Reviewers’ Guide to Accreditation Success

Area of Focus: COA Accreditation
Content Level: Learner

A panel of COA Accreditation peer reviewers will offer guidance on the following areas:

  • Self-study/onsite documentation (The BOX)
  • Frequent areas organizations struggle
  • The perfect site visit, and the post-site visit process.

The panelists are all seasoned peer reviewers and will be able to help participants break down these areas and make the accreditation or reaccreditation process less stressful and a more rewarding experience. This presentation is for those interested in learning more details about the COA Accreditation process from those that are in the field reviewing organizations.

Through our many years of experience, the panelists have learned simple tips for making the accreditation process easier on the reviewers and organization staff who are responsible for leading the accreditation process. Through four key areas, this session looks to take participants on a path that will make the review process less stressful, easier to organize, and maybe a little fun. The key to the accreditation process is to showcase organizations. In most cases there is a lot of stress and panic that can be avoided. Please join us for what we hope is an exciting look at these topics and allow us to help you get through your site visit a little easier.

Learning Objectives

  • Site Visit Documentation: Clarify what needs to go into site visit documentation and how to make the process easier for organizations and the review team
  • Areas of Struggle: Review areas that organizations typically struggle
  • Roles, Responsibilities, and more: Tools to change the way you look at the standards.
  • The Perfect Site Visit: A guide for how to be ready for the reviewers, what to can expect, and how make the process easier
  • After the Site Visit: An overview of the post-site visit work


Justin Loehr
Senior Director of Campus Life Services
Omaha Home for Boys

Brandy Gustoff
Chief Operating Officer
Omaha Home for Boys

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