D4: Supercharge Your Organization: Strategies to Leverage Positive Organizational Culture

Area of Focus: Leadership and Organizational Development
Content Level: Doer

Would you like to whistle all the way home from work? Do you wish you could fully leverage the power of your organization’s culture? Would you like to have the opportunity to learn about and implement strategies that ensure your services and organization’s success?

If the answer to these questions is a resounding YES, join Dr. Dann for a high-energy, high-impact training on the power of positive organizational culture.

We all operate within an organizational culture. Our social nature and desire to belong shapes membership behavior, and the culture that grows because of this phenomenon can become the defining measure for organizational success or failure. This interactive and engaging session will open the window to understanding your organization’s normative culture, as well as strategies to ensure the presence of positive organizational culture. A rising tide lifts all boats! A positive organizational culture makes the seemingly impossible possible!

Through this session, participants will come away with concrete strategies to ensure that their organization’s culture becomes a powerful source for ensuring success. Participants will explore proven strategies to ensure the presence of a mission-focused, positive organizational culture. Explore the power of WE, learn the connection between your program/organization’s culture and employee resilience and retention. Develop strategies to ensure positive norms that support diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Learn about the connection between your organization’s systems and a positive organizational culture. Develop strategies to leverage communication and feedback practices.
And don’t forget – during this session we’ll have some fun!

Learning Objectives

  • The elements of a positive organizational culture
  • How to analyze your organizational culture for opportunities to positively impact practice
  • Identify three to five strategies that can be applied to the work environment to leverage organizational culture in pursuit of mission focused outcomes
  • Specific culture-building strategies


Paul Dann
President and CEO of North American Family Institute
North American Family Institute

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