Impact Partnerships

Impact Connects

Impact Connects are an exclusive benefit for Social Current Impact Partners. Throughout 2025, our leaders will facilitate a virtual learning and networking opportunity related to each of our Impact Areas. All staff at Impact Partners are invited to join these sessions to learn and network.

Child, Family, and Community Well-Being

Child Abuse Prevention Month
April 15 from 2-3 p.m. ET
In recognition of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month, this Impact Connect with share insight from Social Current projects related to fostering child, family, and community well-being. Participants will learn about promising and innovative approaches in this area and be invited to share successes and challenges from their own communities. The discussion will emphasize strategies that meaningfully engage individuals with lived experience, special populations, and intersectionality. In addition, participants will also learn about resources for building public support for child abuse prevention year-round.

COA Accreditation

CCBHC Accreditation
May 5 from 2-3 p.m. ET
This Impact Connect will feature the CCBHC (Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic) Accreditation and revised standards, launched in 2025. The session will review the CCBHC accreditation to ensure a thorough understanding and implementation of the updated standards, which align with the goals of enhancing quality care, compliance, and operational effectiveness. Participants will evaluate the changes and updates in the revised 2025 standards and assess the implications of these changes for current operations and accreditation processes.

Brain Science and Trauma-Informed Approaches

Next Practices in Trauma-Informed, Healing-Centered Approaches
Sept. 9 from 2-3 p.m. ET
Trauma-informed, healing-centered approaches have been on the cutting edge of organizational change for more than a decade and have produced best practices for strengthening our continuum of services. Despite this progress, we face increased challenges – post-pandemic recovery, community turmoil, ongoing racial reckoning, and economic pressures. At this moment we must ask a critical question: How do we move from best practices – those things that have already been done – to next practices – practices that are future-oriented and lead to pioneering new pathways to meet the ever-changing needs of our workforce and those we serve?  This Impact Connects will explore the next practices of trauma-informed and healing-centered approaches being forged by Social Current and leaders across the country. 

Leadership and Organizational Development

Highlights of Social Current’s Executive Leadership Institute
Oct. 8 from 1-2 p.m. ET

Discover how organizations within the Social Current network are driving innovation in leadership and organizational development. This Impact Connect will showcase successful strategies and approaches that exemplify cutting-edge practices in the field. Participants will have an opportunity to hear about these insights into transformative initiatives and engage in discussions on advancing leadership and organizational excellence.

Government Affairs and Advocacy

Sector Policy Update
Dec. 15 from 2-3 p.m. ET
Participants will gain an understanding of the latest federal legislative updates affecting the human service and nonprofit sectors. This includes an overview of recently passed bills, pending legislation, and key policy changes. Participants will receive detailed information on recent and forthcoming regulatory changes that affect the human service and nonprofit sectors. This includes understanding new compliance requirements, navigating regulatory hurdles, and leveraging these changes to benefit their organizations.

The Impact Connect will highlight effective advocacy strategies that organizations can employ to influence policy decisions. Participants will learn about upcoming opportunities to engage with policymakers and advocate for their causes. The session will provide guidance on how to effectively engage with federal agencies to influence policy implementation and secure support for organizational initiatives. Participants will learn best practices for building relationships with key agency officials and participating in public comment periods to shape policy outcomes.