November 28, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm EST
This interactive session will outline the benefits of a psychologically safe agency and will offer specific strategies that can be used to address common challenges and create an internal culture of trust, support and open communication in agencies, benefiting officers’ decision making, mental health, job satisfaction, and the capacity to effectively serve and protect the community. While it is a state of feeling supported and accepted and a place where mistakes are treated as opportunities to learn, it isn’t free of accountability or discomfort.
Law enforcement leaders and internal stakeholders are invited to join us to discuss opportunities for growth and enhancement of your organizational culture. Romero Davis (Social Current), Michael Cull (UKY), and Josh Friedman (Ten Eight Innovations) will facilitate a conversation and learning opportunity focusing on pathways to create an environment where staff feel valued, supported, and engaged in creating a sustainable and reliable workplace that enhances outcomes for employees and the communities they serve.
November 16, 2023 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST
Join this virtual opportunity to discuss upcoming trainings, follow up on Science of Hope practice, year three of the project, and community trust and officer wellness. There will also be time for Q&A. Feel free to bring and invite others!
Learn more about The Science of Hope as a Framework for Action.
January 9, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm EST
Mandatory Two-Day Training
Jan. 9 and 10 from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. ET
The Hope Navigator training advances to high impact when an organization has expertise to sustain effort beyond a training event. This training develops expertise within your organization to set organizational goals and build the strategic pathways to implement hope centered sustainable programs. The Hope Navigator is an in-depth 12-hour training that builds the implementation strategies for goal attainment. Hope Navigators must have a commitment to the Science of Hope and be willing to use this program to sustain your organization’s Hope Centered vision.
Evaluations have demonstrated the benefits of hope navigator training occur at both the organizational and program domains of the agency.
Hope Navigator Benefits
- Buffer to burnout and turnover.
- Increase in wellbeing.
- Knowledge, Confidence, and Ability to apply the science of hope.
- Use hope with customers/clients/students.
- Create hope centered processes to improve outcomes.
- Positive impact on organizational culture.
- Improved human resource processes.
- Positive impact on stakeholder communication.
- Positive impact in organizational effectiveness.
- Improvement in Trust, Communication, and Cohesion.
- Promotes a common language for system impact.
- Promotes interagency cooperation.
- Increase in coordinated practice to improve outcomes.
- Promotes common language across diverse sectors.
- Enhances coordinated community response.
- Enhances collective hope.
- Increase in social action (e.g., citizenship, volunteerism).
- Increase in community well-being.
Registration for both days of the training is required.