Social Current has released its 2021 U.S. Human Services Workforce Trends and Compensation Study. Use this report to help your organization stay competitive and high performing, hire top candidates, and retain the best employees.

This year’s report has been informed by data from more than 230 nonprofit human services organizations and features detailed salary information on the top executive, professional, direct service, and support staff positions.

The study provides compensation data for 60 positions:

The 2021 survey also included a section on human services workforce trends. This information builds on data collected in 2017 and 2019. The trend report addresses topics including recruitment, retention, turnover, and advancing equity. New this year is a section on how organizations adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The trend report is based on survey questions developed in consultation with human resources professionals at community-based organizations. Use this baseline data, which is designed for benchmarking and goal setting, to encourage conversations, generate ideas, identify priorities, and inspire new questions.

Key Findings of the Study

Download the 2021 Report

Download the 2021 U.S. Human Services Workforce Trends and Compensation Study online.

If your organization participated in this year’s survey, the point of contact identified in your survey response was sent an email Nov. 16 with a coupon code for accessing the report. Contact the Evaluation and Research Team with questions.

Download the 2021/2020 Report Bundle

The 2021 report complements the 2020 U.S. Human Services Compensation Study, which focuses on executive, director, and management positions. Purchasing the 2020 and 2021 report bundle provides complete compensation data for the full range of staff at your organization. It also includes in-depth information on workforce trends.

Free Upcoming Human Resources Webinars

The State of Vaccine Mandates and Community-Based Organizations
Dec. 1 from 2-3 p.m. ET

Beyond the Great Resignation: How to Future-Proof Your Hiring
Dec. 2 from 3-4 p.m. ET

Contact the Social Current Evaluation and Research Team with questions.