
Social Current Included in USA Today Supplement on Mental Health

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June 28, 2023
Cover image of the mental health supplement.

Social Current is proud to be part of Mediaplanet’s Mental Health campaign, which launched today. This supplement to USA Today includes the article, “There Is No Time to Waste: Addressing America’s Youth Mental Health Crisis” by Social Current President and CEO Jody Levison-Johnson. In the article, she outlines the complex challenge of youth mental health, emphasizes the importance of cross-system collaboration and early interventions that are tailored to each child and family’s needs and culture, and asserts confidence that we can build on momentum seen through federal investments in mental health and decreased stigma.

“The message is clear — we must prioritize access to a comprehensive, coordinated, upstream network of mental health services and supports, and this must be done in collaboration across all systems that interact with youth, including child welfare, education, juvenile justice, mental health, and primary care,” says Levison-Johnson.

Social Current supports youth and family mental health by strengthening the social sector through consulting on equity, diversity, and inclusion and workforce resilience; engagement packages, now Impact Partnerships; learning solutions; and COA Accreditation. Our COA Accreditation standards help ensure quality mental health services are available through community-based organizations.

The publication also includes articles from:

  • Actresses and mental health advocates Taraji P. Henson and Tracie Jade Jenkins
  • Miriam E. Delphin-Rittmon, administrator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
  • Anthony Estreet, CEO of the National Association of Social Workers
  • Dr. Petros Levounis, president of the American Psychiatric Association
  • And more

Mental health has been in the spotlight over the past few years, and this campaign aims to keep important conversations about the topic going long into the future. This campaign shares resources for those in crisis, tips for talking to a loved one dealing with mental health issues, strategies for combatting compassion fatigue, and so much more.

Pick up a copy in today’s USA Today or flip through the pages online.

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About Social Current

Social Current is the premier partner and solutions provider to a diverse network of more than 1,800 human and social service organizations. Together with our network, we are activating the power of the social sector to effect broader systemic change that is needed to achieve our vision of an equitable society where all people can thrive. We support, strengthen, and amplify the work of the social sector in five core integrated areas including brain science and trauma-informed approaches; COA Accreditation; child, family, and community well-being; government affairs and advocacy; and leadership and organizational development.